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Compounds | Reactions | Production
Atomic: M.A.C. | Reference
Diagrams: Shell | Atomic Radius | Electron || Images
Occurrence and Production of Nitrogen
Nitrogen is the largest single component of the Earth's atmosphere (78.082% by volume of dry air, 75.3% by weight in dry air).
14N is created as part of the fusion processes in stars, and is estimated to be the 7th most abundant chemical element (by mass) in our universe.
Compounds that contain this element have been observed by astronomers, and molecular nitrogen has been detected in interstellar space by David Knauth and coworkers using the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. Molecular nitrogen is a major constituent of Titan's thick atmosphere, and occurs in trace amounts of other planetary atmospheres.
Nitrogen is present in all living tissues as proteins, nucleic acids and other molecules. It is a large component of animal waste (for example, guano), usually in the form of urea, uric acid, and compounds of these nitrogenous products.